May 18, 2009

S L O W I N G down...I think

The past three weeks have been a whirlwind from dance-twirl recitals:

to the children's musical at our church:

Above Cayli debuts her acting career as she cracks a joke. I want to be a frog so I can eat what buuuggggs me!
Mabry and Kenna each sing a verse about their invisible dog, Germs.

During all the hullabaloo of May, Micah entertained himself by trying to flush Little People, drawing on everything but paper, building towers of blocks and then knocking them down, contaminating himself with viral croupe, staying in bed with a fever and an ear infection, digging holes outside, riding the dog, staying up late and then getting up early, biting holes in loaves of bread, refining his yelling of "NO!" and "MINE!" and unrolling mountains of toilet paper.

Sadly, our whilwind of May commences tomorrow at the barber shop. This last thing on our to-do list this month is cutting baby boy's hair. In the girls' free time, they've began putting his hair in pigtails. So it's time.
Besides, I'm more than ready for the lazy days of summer.


Merritt Pace said...

Your girls were precious last night! I hope that you have it on video (or DVD)!!

Tracie said...

You have had a busy week. What are you doing for birthday boy? It's next week right?

Susan said...

Please update on how the haircut went...and tell me that you saved some curls.