April 16, 2008

I'm tired! *yawn*

About 6 weeks ago my baby decided to sleep completely through the night; honestly, I've gotten quite used to it. Yesterday he had a cold that caused his restless night that led to me getting out of bed 3 times last night. Then this morning he awoke for good as the sun was coming up. And in my house, getting me out of bed before 7am is heavily frowned upon (especially since my coffee maker died).

But I was able to snap this photo as he sat on my bed and looked out the window:
At least the sunrise looks good on him!

Now I pretty much always have my camera nearby, and glad I do for opportunities like this. I wouldn't call myself a photographer, but I do like to take pictures. So does a contributor to John Piper's blog...and he has 9 reasons to be a photographer.

So the moral of this story...give the baby a strong dose of benedryl ;) and when all else fails, have your camera ready. :)

1 comment:

Mrs. Darling said...

What a good photo of a cute baby!