August 26, 2008

My no good, horrible, very bad day

Yesterday was one of the worst days I had had in a long time. Partly because I woke up late and on the wrong side of the bed, and partly because my girls had equally rotten dispositions.

Math time turned into a downpour of pathetic tears; English and geography, which are typically the highlights of my girls' school days, were terrible disasters; and chore time...well, we won't even mention what happened with all the grumbling, complaining, seething and all other nonsense that transformed my pleasant home into a nasty, chaotic pit...all before 9am.

The girls were ugly to each other and I was simply frustrated with all of them and they knew it. By lunchtime, threats of doom and gloom and a big yellow school bus surfaced.

But, atlas, by late afternoon Matthew came home fully loaded with these:

and this:

Immediately all was well. :)

The kids even mustered enough initiative to clean up all their thousands of mini-messes, and I withdrew into a much-needed quiet evening with my Bible and some yummy mint chocolate chip ice cream.

Sadly, I wanted to blog about all the horrors my girls imposed upon each other and me; honestly, I'm responsible for some of it. If I don't spend some prayerful quiet time early each morning, my day is susceptible to all sorts of intruding evils. I must surround myself with the strength that only comes from God himself in order to even pretend to conquer the day. Because I am with them I also must pray for each of my children, instead idly sit beside them, hoping that they absorb the character lessons from our Bible and novel readings. My children need to be lifted up just as much as I need to, just to approach the beginning of each day.

Yesterday wasn't just horrible because I had missed a single prayer time. It was horrible because I missed many prayer times. Every once in while, the monotony of my life seems to give me the confidence to control everything, even my children. Then God himself wastes no time in letting my children wage war on me, pushing every one of my buttons at the same time. And since I'm unprepared for this battle, the day quickly spins out of control.

Today, has been so much better. After my attitude adjustment and some prayer time, we've all done well today. Praise God that his mercies are new every morning, right before math lessons begin. :)
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